Thursday 21 July 2011

UKModded and Cruise for heroes.

Seeing as its the last ever Cruise for Heroes this saturday i thought i would write a little piece about why we decided to start these cruises. It will bore you lol.....................

Back in early 2009 a young man had a vision ( well not so much a vision more he kept nagging us) to hold a cruise for the returning soliders from Iraq.

Anyway we decided to hold a returning solider  cruise in october of that year instead.We got hold of fast car they agreed to do it but could we do it august instead of yeah this was middle of july!!!. So we said yes and got to work. Changed the name to Cruise for heroes, got all the wristbands and banners sent down from  H4H got kenwood to come down with a demo car, corbeau giving away stuff etc etc.

That night turned out to be the biggest cruise the area had ever seen over 400+ cars came down to support us. We raised over £500, sold over 200 wristbands and had what many many people said was the best cruise they had been to. We were one of the first clubs to giveaway trophies at cruises that night.

So straight away we started arranging the 2010 cruise. Everything was more relaxed this time. Had nearly 10 months to arrange it got pioneer onboard etc etc. The cruise was even bigger 550+ cars nearly £600 raised for charities. Abd had another excellent write up in Fast car.

2011. We want to go out on a high thats why this will be the last one?!?. We are trying to bring you the best cars from some of the best companies in the business (xquisite and g-werks) we have a sponsor (samcosport) for the first time. We have autoglym onboard giving away freebies. We have sumopower bringing over some cars. Fast car are on board again. We have convoys running from all over. How do you top that?? For a cruise!!!

So july 23rd will be the last time the Cruise for heroes name will be used?!? No doubt you will see copycats. But they wont be like our cruise. A group of friends coming together to raise money for the most worthy cause out there. We have raised over  £1000 for h4h so far, help us try and hit £2000 before it ends.

We thank everyone who has helped us out and attended the cruise. Lets make saturday 23rd july 2011 the biggest one yet......

Told you it would bore you lol.


Friday 10 June 2011

Cruise's, Honda's and some random photoshoots...

Hmmmm. Havent really had time to update the blog lately my bad. So will keep this short and sweet and give you some info about Cruise for heroes and what we've been up to over the last month...

Cruise for heroes 3: The finale. Is just around the corner now. We are really proud to now have Autoglym on board as well as being on the Fast car tour 2011. So keep spreading the word 23rd july at ravenside retail park bexhill on sea. Going to be a top night.

Had a few sneaky photoshoots in the last few weeks with our resident snapper remedi. Got some good pic's of Trigger's, Greg's' Toby's, Claire's Vijay's and Oli's cars below. Always fun times doing a shoot. Hopefully have some more as the summer gets better.... Will upload pic's soon.

Carwise. Not much has been going on. Greg finally has his coilovers on even though they abit "bouncy" lol. Trigger has wrapped his roof which looks the NUTS. Toby has new wheels and a few other bits etc etc. As again pic's will be uploaded shortly.
Anyway we've literally just got back from a boating holiday so all abit tired atm. Will try and make the next blog more interestin which shouldnt be hard lol.

Japshow next weekend. Keep alook out for the UKModded/Hastings honda crew.


Tuesday 3 May 2011

BHP Show review

After 11 days off work (for most of us) it's back to work at last. To see us out of this extra long holiday was BHP show at lydden hill.

The sun was out as we met up to convoy down. 10 of the finest jap metal Hastings has to offer ( and trig's polo) hit the road hard and loud. Nothing beats a convoy and this one didn't dissapoint at all.

After meeting up with the rest of the UKM crew at the shop ( 4 golf's 1 polo) we parked up and had a wander.

Well the standard of car's is getting worse if this show is anything to go by. A few nice Honda's, a very nice white vr6 polo was the only decent vw ( not counting our's lol ). But everything else was either standard or done to a really bad standard.

Walking into the paddock area thing's picked up abit. The ice car's were out including Jay Golinsky who picked up a award. All the jap metal was done to a very high quality as is normal for the race teams/companies.

On to the main reason people come to the show....the track. Lots of nice loud fast cars bombing it around. The drifter's are always fun to watch and the nascar was er something different lol.

It's always nice to watch one of your own members fly around the track and Toby in his civic ( PIC ) looked like he had a lot of fun.

All in all the show was def a 7\10 overall. Car's 5/10 and track time ohhhh 7\10.

UKM car of the show goes to Gav. someone who has worked and worked on his car for year's now and deserve's to get some attention. Check out the pic.

 More pic's can be found on our facebook page.

Many thank's UKModded

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Car's,Show's and Cruise's.

Summer is finally (nearly) here. And with summer come's show's and cruise's. So we come to the first UKModded meet of 2011, The Spring Fling in brighton last saturday... It was a nice chilled out atmosphere around about 200 cars or so. Pictures can be found on our facebook page..

Car wise the UKModded/Hastings honda family are getting sorted for the summer. Oli has lowered his sexy lil del sol at last.... Lowered on some miester-r's with function 7 LCA'S and buddy club camber adjusters all round this thing looks sexy and the 9" keskins kt4's dont hurt it either lol.

Another one who has finally lowered his car is young Greg. Lowered on Koi coilovers on buddyclub P1's this thing looks so much better in the flesh :).

Anyway BHP show and the bluewater japmeet coming up this weekend. See you around.


Monday 4 April 2011

Hastings Honda

After sitting back for a while and taking a long look at the car scene in hastings, we decided that what it needed was another car club!!!

UKModded which caters for all cars being the biggest and still the best club in the area, we decided to just do a Jap club. So Hastings Honda's was born.

After calling it something else first of all ( and getting people all hot and bothered about it!!) we changed the name to what we were always going to call it and now its here all ready for the start of the show season 2011.

So if you have a honda or any Jap car come along and have a looksy on Facebook.


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Fast show preview

I'm going to say not a fan of santa pod. I think a company which makes so much money off the paying public ought to acutally spend some of the hundred's of thousand's they earn every year on updating the track/facalities.

But anyway after missing out fast show last year were acutally getting pretty excited about this years show. Sure it will be 80% chavved up buckets. But if the weather holds out it should be a good show. And hopefully the first good show of the season leading onto more to come.

Were going on someone else's stand this year which has taking the pressure off arranging it all ( thank god). The car's are nearly already to go ( well as ready as any long going project's are) and the UkModded family are looking forward to a weekend of dragging,drinking,hotel antics and seeing some old friends.

So if you see any of us over the weekend come up and say hi :).

Have a good weekend.


Sunday 20 March 2011

The Transformer - Wide wheels and static drop = winning!!!!!

A little sneak peek at Oli's (soon to be slammed) del sol......

Keep a eye out for future updates.