Thursday, 17 March 2011

Summer- A short story of a car show.

The alarm goes off, you slowly open your eyes wondering what your doing up when its still dark outside. Then you realise its time for a weekend of cars,drinking,seeing old friends.

You get out of bed, have a wash, get dressed and get some coffee down. Got to make sure you have packed,camera,money,keys...check.
Its dark outside. But its warm already, bit of mist in the air, its going to be a hot day. You get in the car and start it up its loud the neighbours wont be happy. But you dont care,  your off to meet up with your friends for a weekend of fun.

You pull into the meeting spot spot your mates and drive on over, they are all pretty hyped for whats to come lots of smiles and laughter and joking around.

Its time to go, the sun is just coming up now, time to hit the open road have a bit of a blast, have a few little races, its time for the roadtrip to really begin.

On the motorway now, no queues or traffic at all, the stereo is on playing some proper driving music, window is down. Up ahead your mates passanger is taking some rolling shots of the cars all is good.

Arrive at the show now. A queue to get in but it aint to bad, music goes up a couple of notches as you cruise into the showground. You find where your suppose to park up out comes the cleaning gear. Its getting proper hot now but the car needs to be sparkling.

What a day saw some fresh new cars, saw some old friends you aint seen for months, good time all round.

Off to the hotel now, arrive, check in, dump the bags in the room and down to the bar for a few drinks with mates. Things get silly but its all good. Off to bed another early start in the morning.
Summer is finally here you think as you lay in bed slightly drunk, the show season has finally arrived, your surrounded by your friends, all is well in the world.

You wouldnt change this for anything.

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